Page:Michael Welsh - Dunes and Dreams, A History of White Sands National Monument (1995).pdf/72

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New Deal, New Monument, New Mexico 1933–1939

Charles' pamphlet, and the plans for the 4C's, demonstrated the maturing process at work in the monument. Throughout 1938, the NPS pushed to eliminate all remaining "in-holdings" (private claims on monument lands), with closure on the Arizona Chemical Company drilling at Lake Lucero, and the Mai Walters grazing rights in the northeast corner of the monument. Arizona Chemical wanted to mine for "glauberite," a sodium-calcium sulphate, then extract the more valuable sodium compounds. NPS geologist Franklin C. Potter visited Lake Lucero to observe the company's test drilling, and came away satisfied that existing technology made the process unprofitable. He did learn, however, that area merchants sold selenite crystals as tourist souvenirs. Potter worried that the large concentrations of amber-colored selenite at the lake would tempt entrepreneurs; a concern dismissed by Charles, who mentioned the availability of selenite on private land around the monument. Arizona Chemical eventually agreed that sodium production was not feasible at Lake Lucero, but not until they had spent considerable sums for drilling, real estate purchases, and the legal services of Santa Fe's most prominent attorney, Francis C. Wilson (owner of Wilson Oil Company, and the U.S. special attorney for the celebrated 1920s "Pueblo Lands Board" cases).[1]

The Mai Walters lease created somewhat more controversy, in light of the harshness of the Ridinger lease affair. A long-time rancher in the basin, Walters had filed under the 1934 Taylor Grazing Act for 13 sections of public land for his 150–200 head of cattle. He wanted access to seven sections (4,590 acres) of monument land adjoining his ranch; land that he had purchased prior to the creation of White Sands, but for which he had failed to acquire legal title. Tom Charles advised Pinkley that Walters could only graze one cow per 640-acre section of monument property because of its sparse vegetation. Frank Pinkley agreed, telling Washington officials: "As a matter of simple humanity … it would appear proper to grant the old man a permit." Herbert Maier, acting director of NPS's Region Three (now based in Santa Fe), applauded Pinkley's decision, saying: "It is most gratifying to see a letter of this sort come over the desk." Maier saw in Pinkley's action a useful precedent: "It proves that the Park Service is by no means lacking in cooperation with local landowners, and that our superintendents are sympathetic with the principal problems of the local people. "[2]

White Sands' search for water proved even more contentious in 1938, as Judge Lawson pressed his claim that the NPS misunderstood his intentions in selling Dog Canyon ranch. In a letter to the Santa Fe regional office, Lawson noted the haste with which park service personnel moved. They had feared the loss of the land and water at such a reasonable rate (Lawson claimed to lose $5,500 in the transaction), which the

  1. McColm to the NPS Director, January 13, 1938; Memorandum of Franklin C. Potter, Associate NPS Geologist, to "Mr. [Earl] Trager," April 2, 1938; Charles to "Boss," June 13, 1938, RG79, NPS, WHSA Files, Denver FRC; W.L. Spalding, Arizona Chemical Company, New York City, to the NPS Director, March 11, 1938, RG79, NPS-CCF 1933–1949, Box 2425.
  2. Charles to Pinkley, November 25, 1938; Maier to the SWNM Superintendent, December 28, 1938, RG79, NPS, WHSA Files, Denver FRC; Pinkley to the NPS Director, December 20, 1938, RG79, NPS-CCF 1933–1949, Box 2430.