Page:Middle Aged Love Stories (IA middleagedlove00bacorich).djvu/88

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kitchen in October. Well, I’ve just thought, Why not get the Rooms all ready, and the reading-room moved over there, and have lemonade and sandwiches and sarsaparilla, and Kitty Waters to begin to serve right away, as she’s beginning to run the streets again, and Annabel Riley with her? Then the Civic Club can have its headquarters there, and people will begin to be used to it before cold weather.”

“And I am to serve sarsaparilla and sandwiches with Kitty and Annabel? Really, dear Miss Gould, if you knew how horribly ill sarsaparilla is certain to make me—I have loathed it from childhood—”

“Oh, no, no, no!” she interrupted, with her sweet, tolerant smile. She smiled at him as if he had been a child.

“You know I never meant that you should work all day, Mr. Welles. It isn’t at all necessary. I have always felt that an hour or two a day of intelligent,