Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 12.djvu/332

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318 MARY WHITON CALKINS: by everybody who reaches his conclusion : the conception of Reality as an Absolute Self. This paper proposes a new reading of Hegel's Logic. Neglecting artificial distinctions, it aims at a rearrangement which will exhibit the parallelism of many pairs of categories, and which will disentangle distinct lines of argument. At the same time, it proposes no addition whatever to the sub- ject-matter of the Logic and only one important omission : the sections included under ' Quantity ' and ' Measure '. The following outline summarises the argument of the Logic, and indicates the proposed changes of order. A. (Introduction.) Metaphysics is possible, for I. Ultimate Reality is not undetermined. (Book i., Being and Naught.) II. Ultimate Reality is not unknowable. (Bookii., Essence and Appearance and parallel cate- gories.) B. I. Ultimate Reality is Absolute One, for a. Ultimate reality is not a single reality, among others, for every such single reality is 1. (a) Same and other. (Book i., Determined Being ; book ii., Identity and Difference.) (b) Like and unlike. (Book ii., Likeness and Un- likeness ; book iii., Notion and Judgment.) 2. Dependent on others. (Book ii., Causality.) b. Ultimate Reality is not a composite of ultimate parts. (Book i., Finitude and Infinity and Being -for -Self ; book ii., Action and Reaction ; book iii., Mechanism.) II. Ultimate Reality is Absolute Self, for a. Ultimate Reality is not mere Life. (Book iii., Life.) b. Ultimate Reality is not Finite Consciousness. (Book iii., Cognition.) The remainder of this paper elaborates this argument and seeks to justify the re-organisation of material. A. POSSIBILITY OF A DOCTEINE OF ULTIMATE REALITY. The logical beginnings of Hegel's philosophy must be sought in his discussions of two related doctrines alike in that they both make metaphysics impossible. The first of these is the conception of ultimate reality as undetermined doctrine whose most perfect exponents are the Vedantic