Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 6.djvu/296

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however, we stand nearer the psychological than the physiological or psychophysical 'interpretations '. If we must have a name, ours is the interpretation in terms of theory of relation'. 35. Summary. Table of Contents.] W. Preyer. 'Zur Geschichte der Dreifarbenlehre.' W. Scharwin und A. Novizki. 'Ueber die scheinbaren Grossenwechsel der Nachbilder im Auge.' [We localise after-images unconsciously.] W. Heinrich. 'Die Aufrnerksamkeit und die Funktion der Sinnesorgane,' II. [Accommodation for objects in paraxial positions. Confirmation of the author's previous result, that changes of direction of visual attention have physiological correlates in the peripheral organ.] G. Heymans. 'Erwiderung.' [Against Müller-Lyer.] Litteraturbericht. Namen- register. Inhaltsverzeichnis.

Bd. xii., Heft 1. J. von Kries und W. Nagel. 'Ueber den Einfluss von Lichtstärke und Adaptation auf das Sehen der Dichromaten (Grün- blinden).' [Confirmation of Konig's results. It is not, however, that the curves of excitability are dependent upon the intensity of the stimulating light (and the adaptation of the eye) ; but rather that there are two distinct apparatus which function alternately, and that the stimulating value of two lights may differ for one and be the same for the other. —Description of a new form of the Helmholtz colour-mixture apparatus.] T. Lipps. 'Die geometrisch-optischen Tauschungen. Vorläufige Mittheilung.' [" I am just about to issue a work upon Æsthetic Impression and Optical Illusion. ... It seemed in place to give here, in the form of a preliminary communication, a sketch of my theory, without detailed arguments or indication of consequences."] F. Thomas. 'Ein weiteres Beispiel von Assoziation durch eine Geruchsenapfindung als unbewusstes Mittelglied.' K. Marbe. 'Neue Methode zur Herstellung homogener grauer Flächen von verschiedener Helligkeit.' [Photographic.] Litteraturbericht.

Zetischrift f{{subst:u:}}r Philosphie und Philosphsche Kritik Neue Folge, Bd. cviii., Heft 2. Arvid Grotenfelt. 'Warum vertrauen wir den grund-legenden Hypothesen unseres Denkens? (Schluss).' [Though definite laws of nature a priori cannot be assumed, yet it is equally true that elements peculiarly intellectual enter into the thinking conception of experience, and play an important part therein. The intelligence cannot help making, respecting the 'Actual,' assumptions and presuppositions which extend beyond what is, in the proper sense of the word, 'experienced'. "Nothing can have been given to our Consciousness which was not formed and transformed by it" (quoted from Riehl). While we dwell on the question as to the justification of these (undoubtedly real) factors of knowledge, we are led to the question on which the whole Erkenntnis-problem depends the question of the Origin and Validity of the principle of Causality. The paper proceeds to discuss these 'interpolationsmaximen' (as Liebmann calls them) of the intellect. The 'maxims' in question are : 1. The principle of real Identity. 2. The principle of the Continuity of Existence. 3. The principle of Causality, or thorough-going 'legitimacy,' in the course of events (des Geschehens). 4. The principle of Continuity in the course of events. In the discussion which follows, the author says (inter alia) that, according to his firm conviction, the facts of the moral consciousness, especially those of the consciousness of responsibility, as they now exist among men of culture, and chiefly amongst those who are best educated and most highly developed, require for their justification the presupposition of indeterminism undetermined freedom of choice; since, if this be not granted, much that is cherished in morality must be treated as illusory. Even theoretic philosophy, therefore, may