Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/12

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Morrison, W. D.—L. Stein, Die Sociale Frage im Lichte der Philosophie 91

Rashdall, H.—W. Wallace, Lectures and Essays on Natural Theology, etc. 406

Russel, B.—A. Meinong, Ueber die Bedeutung des Weberschen Gesetzes 251

Schiller, F. C. S.—F. Podmore, Studies in Psychical Research 101

Schiller, F. C. S.—H. Münsterberg, Psychology and Life 540

Shand, A. F.—P. Malapert, Les Élements du Caractère, etc. 242

Whittaker, T.—A. W. Benn, The Philosophy of Greece, etc. 410


ALEXANDER, A. Theories of the Will in the History of Philosophy 270

ALLEN, G. The Evolution of the Idea of God, etc 119

AMBROSI, L. La Psicologia dell' Immaginazione nella storia della filosofia 422

BALDWIN, E. L. (see Groos).

BALDWIN, J. M. The Story of the Mind (Library of Useful Stories) . 124

BENN, A. W. The Philosophy of Greece, etc. (Preliminary Notice) . 270

BERNARD-LEROY, E. L' Illusion de Fausse Reconnaissance, etc. . 275

BERR, H. L'Avenir de la Philosophic 550

BON, F. Ueber das Sollen und das Gute, etc 420

BON, G. G.The Psychology of Peoples, etc 122

BOWNE, B. P. Metaphysics (Revised Edition) 269

BUELL, G. S. Essentials of Psychology 270

CADET, F. Port-Royal Education, etc. (trans. A. D. Jones) . . 125

CAJORI, F. A History of Physics in Its Elementary Branches, etc. . 546

CARUS, P. Nirvana : A Story of Bitddhistic Philosophy . . . 124

CONKLIN, E. G. (see Jordan).

CORNELIUS, H. Psychologic als Erfahrungswissenschaft (Preliminary Notice) 133

CREIGHTON, J. E. An Introductory Logic 414

DEXTER, T. F. G., and GARLICK, A. H. Psychology in the Schoolroom 544

DORMAN, M. R. P. Ignorance, etc 120

DUPRAT, G. L. L' Instability Mentale 547

EHRENFELS, C. VON. System der Werttheorie (Preliminary Notice) . 275

FAGGI, A. Principi di Psicologia Moderna criticamente esposti . . 275

FLEURY, M. DE. UAme du Criminel : 419

FHAGAPANE, S. Obbieto e limiti della filosofia del diritto . . . 133

PHASER, A. C. Thomas Reid (Famous Scots Series) .... 123

GARLICK, A. H. (see Dexter).

GERARD-VARET, L. Ulgnorance et L' Irreflexion .... 549

GIDDINGS, F. H. The Elements of Sociology 417

GROOS, K. TJie Play of Animals (trans. E. L. Baldwin) . . . 123

GROSS, H. Criminalpsychologie 422

HIBBEN, J. G. The Problems of Philosophy, etc. .... 416

HOGAN, L. E. The Study of a Child 268

HOLMAN, S. W. Matter, Energy, Force and Work, etc. . . . 417

HUTCHINSON, W. r J.'he Gospel according to Darwin .... 415

IRELAND, W. W. The Mental Affections of Children, etc. . . . 266

JAMES, W. Human Immortality, etc. (Preliminary Notice) . . 123

,, Human Immortality (Full Notice) 261

Talks to Teachers on Psyclwlogy, etc 544

JEVONS, F. B. An Introduction to the History of Religion . . . 120

JONES, A. D. (see Cadet).

JORDAN, D. S., CONKLIN, E. G., MCFARLAND, F. M.,and SMITH, J. P. Footnotes to Evolution, etc 416

KRAEPELIN'S Psychologische Arbeiten (Band ii., 2 u. 3 Hefte) . . 130

KRUEGER, F. Der Begriff des absolut Wertwollen, etc. . . . 131

LAMPERIERE, A. Le Rdle sociale de la Femme 551