Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/157

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PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 143 against a grey background). Control experiments with exclusion of accommodation (use of atropin and eserine). In both sets, the monocu- lurly perceived impressions were not spatially discriminated, but referred i surface at a distance of some 1 90 cm. from the eye. Theory : moments in the monocular perception of depth: reference to von Beck- iinghausen'B normal surface (formed by lines of intersection of identical planes of direction) ; lower of two vertical double images seems nearer and smaller, in obedience to the empirical constraint of the horopter ; accommodation alone is sufficient for localisation ; Boettcher's observa- tion of the stability of the vertical after torsion ; the relation of dispersion- images to irradiation, size of pupil, closure of lids, regular astigmatism, experience,' ' psychical suppression '. Conclusion : the " dispersion circles are not directly perceived, and may yet be of prime importance for the act of perception ". " The sole function of the images of indirect vision is to release sharply defined movement-impulses." " Monocular space perception exists ; but the motives (exposed by these experiments) are originally those of the binocular act of vision."] R. Schulze. ' Ueber Klanganalyse.' [Experiments of 1891-3 (Wundt, Phys. Psych., 4te., Aufl. L, 451). Every individual has a normal overtone-clang, which is difficult of analysis. A given compound clang is analysable in propor- tion as it varies from the normal clang. Corollaries are : the higher an interval in the tonal scale, and the wider apart the components of an interval, given identity of musical relationship, the easier is its analysis. Under right conditions, small intervals are less readily analysed than large ; this is in accord with Helmholtz' theory. Hypothesis of analysis by resolution into a succession of tones, no more than one to two vibra- tions being necessary for the characterisation of pitch.] VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT FUR WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PHILOSOPHIE. Jahrg. xxii.. Heft 4. R. v. Schubert Soldern. ' Ueber das Unbewusste im Bewusstsein.' [ Unconscious must always be taken to mean relatively iiiii-onscious, viz., unconscious in relation to some higher mode of con- sciousness. Four kinds of unconsciousness are distinguished from this point of view.] R. Eisler. ' Ueber Ursprung und Wesen des Glaubens an die Existenz der Aussenwelt.' [External things are unified groups of qualities. Their externality consists in their independence of a percipient subject. They are "transcendent" only in so far as they comprehend qualities not immediately perceived, but ideally reinstated from previous experience. We regard external things as existing during the intervals of perception by an interpretation based on analogy to our own per- sistence as conscious beings.] Besprechung, etc. ARCHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Band iv., Heft 4. J. Berg- mann. ' Seele und Leib (l.).' [This first article deals with the general nature of soul on the one hand, and of material substances on the other.] P. J. Helwig. ' Die combinatorisch-^esthetische Function und die Formeln der symbolischen Logik.' Jahresbe.richt ueber die Erschein- imgen auf dem Gebiete der systeinatischen Philosophie : T. Lipps. ' l>ritter aesthetischer Litteraturbericht (i.).' F. Tbnniea. ' Jahresbericht ueber Erscheinungen der Sociologie aus den Jahren 1895 und 1896.' V. Brochard. ' Compte-rendu des ouvrages philosophiques public's en France pendant 1'annle 1896.' Zeitschriften, etc. PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Bd. xi., Heft 2. C. Ghitberlet. ' Die Krisis in der Psychologic.' [This second article, whilst recognising the ts of Fechner, Lotze and Wundt in experimental psychology, com- plains that Empiricism, now excluding and now using metaphysical reasoning, has destroyed the value of their researches. Fechner's law itself is a great ' sea-serpent '. The writer concludes by protesting