Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/233

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TIME AS RELATED TO CAUSALITY AND TO SPACE. 219 of time, are all expressions of our ordinary consciousness. Nor is there wanting the sanction, sometimes perhaps unwit- ting, of the great masters in philosophy. " Die Succession," says Schopenhauer, 1 " ist das ganze Wesen der Zeit." " Time in its first appearance," Hume declares, 2 " can never be severed from such a succession of changeable objects." " Time is nothing," is Berkeley's expression, 3 " abstracted from the succession of ideas." The theory is sometimes upheld, even by Kant, though his usual view is that succession is merely one of the modes of time, 4 while occasionally he makes the misleading statement that permanence is the substratum of time, or even identical with time, of which accordingly succession is denied. 5 Before the appearance, however, of the second edition of the Kritik, Kant had realised the inaccuracy of such statements, and a manuscript note in his own hand makes the comment : " Hier muss der Beweis so gefiihrt werden dass er nur auf Substanzen als Phenomena aiisserer Sinne passe, folglich aus dem Raum ". 6 The suggested correction does not, however, appear in the second edition text of the Analogy, which, on the other hand, even adds the unequivocal sentence, "Die Zeit . . . bleibt und wechselt nicht ". But in a new section, introduced in the second edition the Allgemeine Anmerkung zum System der Grundsdtze Kant says definitely, "Der Kaum allein bestimmt beharrlich, die Zeit aber, mithin alles was im inneren Sinn ist fliesst bestandig "J 1 Schopenhauer, Welt als Wille, u.s.w., i., 4, p. 9. 2 Treatise, book i., pt. ii., 3, Green & Grose, ed. i., p. 343. 3 Principles of Human Knowledge, 98. 4 " Die drei Modi der Zeit sind Beharrlichkeit, Folge und Zugleich- sein." Kritik der reinen Vemunft, editions A., p. 177 ; B., p. 219. 5 Op. cit. A., p. 183, B., p. 226. "Die Beharrlichkeit druckt iiberhaupt die Zeit aus. Denn der Wechsel trifft die Zeit selbst nicht, sondern nur die Erscheinungen in der Zeit."

  • Nachtrage, Ixxx.

7 The truth is that there is hardly any part of Kant's teachings so full of verbal inconsistencies as his doctrine of time. The constant juxtaposition, in successive paragraphs and even sentences, of glaring contradictions like those which have been quoted, amply justifies the critical theory of the Kritik, as written bit by bit and carelessly put together. At least three positions are assumed : (1) the theory that time is fundamentally "the permanent," and thus the substratum of succession and co-existence ; (2) the theory that permanence is one of the modi, attributes or dimen- sions of time ; (3) the theory which contradicts the permanence of time, as in the words, " Das Zugleichsein [ist] nicht ein Modus der Zeit, in welcher keine Theile zugleich sondern alle nach einander sind". Cf. Reflexionen, pp. 366, 368 and 373.