Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/240

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226 M. W. CALKINS : of succession ' to ' succession of feeling,' and is contradicted by unprejudiced observation, which inevitably finds that the ' feeling of succession ' and the ' feeling of inner connexion ' are unique, unanalysable minima of consciousness. The reaction against this unjustifiable attack, from the side of metaphysics, upon the immediacy of the time-conscious- ness is probably responsible for the tendency to define this in terms of perception or of sensation. Wundt, 1 following Kant, speaks of Z eitanschauung and Kiilpe 2 of Zeitwahrneh- mung; while references to ' time-sense ' or ' time-sensation ' may be found in the writings of Mach, 3 of Meumann, 4 of James 5 and of Stern (though James speaks also of the ' per- ception of time,' 7 while Meumann has lately declared for Zeitbewusstsein, 8 and Stern recently proposes Zeitauffassung 9 ). Too much emphasis must not of course be laid upon the expression ' time-sense/ whose traditional meaning is a very wide one, yet it is not out of place to remark that the com- plexity of the time-consciousness forbids identifying it with the sensation, which is a psychic element. The time-con- sciousness as we have seen, is clearly analysable into the two factors, feeling of succession and feeling of connexion, and cannot therefore itself be what Hoffding calls it, 10 a psycho- logical ultimate. The percept as well as the sensation, moreover, is distinguished by a certain ' substantive' character, as James puts it, from the more ' transitive ' elements of consciousness, like the feelings of identity, of familiarity and of succession. Even Hume recognises this, though he does not see how it upsets all his philosophising, and expresses it very clearly in the words : u " the idea of time arises altogether from the manner in which impressions appear to the mind, without making one of the number". The essential meaning of the teaching that the time-consciousness is immediate, or even sensational, is however retained in the conclusion that 1 Physiologische Psychologic, 4th Aufl. 2 Grundriss der Psychologic, p. 416. 3 Quoted by Stern, "Psyckische Prasenzzeit," Zeitschr. f. Psych, u. Phys., xiii., p. 827. 4 " Beitrage zur Psychologic des Zeitsinns," Philosophische Studien, vii. and ix. 5 Principles of Psychology, i., p. 605 seq. 6 Op. cit. 7 Op. cit. 8 Philosophische Studien, xii., p. 127. 9 Theorie der Verfinderungsauffassung, pp. 3 and 10. Psychologic der Veranderungsaujfassung, p. 21. 10 Op. cit., i., p. 243. 11 Treatise, bk. i., part ii., sec. 3, p. 343. Italics mine.