Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/289

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NEW BOOKS. 275 L 1 Illusion de Fausse Reconnaissance. Contribution a Vetude des con- ditions psychologiques de la reconnaissance des souvenirs. Par le Docteur EUGENE BERNARD-LEROY. Paris : Felix Alcan, 1898. Pp. 249. (4 francs.) Treats of the not uncommon experience in which a situation orj'group of circumstances or events appears to a person as if he had already been confronted with them in the past. The main value of the work lies in the collection of eighty-six cases, thirty-six published previously to the present work, and the rest gathered by the author himself in answer to question-forms very carefully drawn up. Dr. Bernard-Leroy brings out very clearly the distinctive features of the illusion. He fails to find that it is dependent on any special bodily or emotional conditions. Various attempts at explanation are criticised and easily disposed of. Among these the author does not take account of the suggestion of Havelock Ellis that the false recognition is an inverted hallucination, in which the sensory centres " receive an actual external sensation in the feebler shape of a representation" (MiND, New Series, vol. vi., No. 22, p. 286). It is true that Havelock Ellis connects this with nervous fatigue in the subject, and Dr. Bernard-Leroy has apparently shown that this is by no means a frequent accompaniment of the illusion. None the less, it may well be that the true explanation is to be sought on some such lines as those suggested by Dr. Ellis. The assumption that the inverted hallucination is due to fatigue seems to constitute no essential part of his theory. The author's own explanation can scarcely be regarded as an explanation at all. He simply says that recognition is accompanied by a feeling which is difficult to analyse, and that this feeling sometimes arises abruptly when the experience with which it is connected has not existed before. This amounts to nothing more than a restatement of the fact to be explained. System der Werttheorie. Band L, " Allgemeine Werttheorie, Psychologie des Begehrens ". Band ii., " Grundziige einer Ethik ". Von Dr. CHRISTIAN von EHRENFELS, Professor der Philosophic an der deutschen Uni- versitat in Prag. Pp. xxiii., 277, viii., 270. London : Williams & Norgate, 1897, 1898. v This is a systematic treatise on the idea of Value, regarded as the Basis of a complete ethical theory. Some account has already been given in MIXD of the point of view represented by the writer (see New Series, No. 16, pp. 425-449). The present work, however, is considerably more comprehensive than any of the previous discussions either by him or by Meinong, and in particular the bearing of the theory of value upon definitely ethical doctrines is more fully brought out than it has probably ever been before. Critical notice will follow. J. S. M. Principi di Psicologia Moderna criticamente esposti. Da A. FAGGI. Pp. iv., 134. Palermo : Alberto Beber, 1897. London : Williams & Norgate. This book is the second part of Prof. Faggi's Principles of Psychology, the first part of which was published in 1895. It is not a manual of psychology, but, as its title announces, a critical exposition of certain leading principles. The author's object is to make students acquainted with the methods of modern psychology and its most important problems, And, especially, to show the application which has been made and that