Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/410

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396 H. w. CARR: ON HODGSON'S METAPHYSIC OF EXPERIENCE. speculative conceptions, their truth consists in their adequacy, their falsity in their inadequacy to the reality which they are endeavours to picture, and which, either by positive ex- perience, or by speculative methods founded on it, is and must for us continue entirely unknown " (iv., 322). Now two kinds of truth or two kinds of validity are to me like two senses of reality ultimately unthinkable. This notion of Truth as anticipated Harmony is grandly conceived, but the limitation of its application to the practical sphere seems to me most unfortunate. It leads moreover to strange and contradictory results in the final reconstruction and not the least strange is the return in the practical sphere to that very notion of causal agency which as a speculative idea has been found untenable, I mean the idea of God as " the Power which sustains Existence in its entirety," " the Power which is the sustaining Energy of the Universe from first to last " (iv., 209).