Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/438

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424 NEW BOOKS. J. E. Angell (directed by), Studies from the Psychological Laboratory, Chicago, University Press, 1899, pp. 615. A. C. Fraser, Philosophy of Theism, second edition, amended, Edinburgh and London, Blackwood & Son, 1899, pp. xviii., 338. (6s. 6d.) E. Eecejac, The Bases of the Mystic Knowledge (translated by S. C. Upton), London, Kegan Paid, 1899, pp. xi., 287. (9s.) G. M. Eobertson, A Short History of Freethought, London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co., Ltd., 1899, pp. xv., 447. (7s. 6d.) Annual Report of the Smithsonian Institution, 1897, Washington, 1898, pp. xlvii., 686. L. Hall, Man, the Microcosm. Part i., " The Nature of Man," Williams & Norgate, 1899, pp. 82. (2s. 6d.) W. James, Talks to Teachers on Psychology, and to Students on Some of Life's Ideals, New York, H. Holt & Co., 1899, pp. xi., 300. E. Mackintosh, From Comte to Benjamin Kidd, London, Macmillan & Co., Limited, 1899, pp. xxii., 287. (8s. 6d.) J. H. Keeling ("Bacillus") Qusero, second edition, London, printed by Taylor & Francis, 1899, pp. v., 172. A. H. Fried, The Diary of a Condemned Man (translated from German by S. van Straalen), London, W. Heinemann, 1899, pp. viii., 177. (2s. 6d.) A. Coste, Les Principes d'une Sociologie Objective, Paris, Fe*lix Alcan, 1899, pp. iv., 243. (3 fr. 75.) Ossip-Lourie, La Philosophic de Tolsto'i, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. 198. (2 fr. 50). E. Durkheim, L'Annee Sociologique, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. vi., 596. J. Baissac, Les Origines de la Religion, nouvelle edition, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, Tome Premier, pp. x., 301, Tome Second, pp. 310. (12 fr.) D. Mercier, Criteriologie Generale (" Cours de Philosophic," volume iv.), Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. xii., 371. (6 fr.) L'Annee Philosophique, Neuvieme Annee, 1898, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. 316. (5 fr.) J. Guerin, Les differentes manifestations de la pensee, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. 231. (5 fr.) E. d'Eichthal, Socialisme et problemes sociaux, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. 269. (2 fr. 50.) A. Lalande, La Dissolution, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. 492. (7 fr. 50.) G. Tarde, Les Transformations du Pouvoir, Paris, Felix Alcan, 1899, pp. x., 266. L. J. Martin und G. E. Miiller, Zur Analyse der Unterschiedsempfind- lichkeit, Leipzig, J. A. Earth, 1899, pp. vi., 233. H. Siebeck, Aristoteles, Stuttgart, Fr. Frommanns Verlag, 1899 ; London, Williams & Norgate, pp. 142. (Is. 9d. net.) R. Eisler, Worterbuch der Philosophischen Begriffe und Ausdriicke, Dritte Leiferung, Berlin, 1899 ; London, Williams & Norgate, pp. 193-288. (M. 2.)

  • W. Jerusalem, Einleitung in die Philosophic, Wien und Leipzig, W.

Braumu'ller; London, Williams & Norgate, 1899, pp. viii., 189. P. Sciascia, La Psicogenesi dello Istinto e della Morale secondo C. Darwin, Palermo, A. Eeber, 1899 ; London, Williams & Norgate, pp. xv., 178. E. A. de Benedetti, II Pessimism.o nel la Bruyere, Torino, E. Falconieri, 1899 ; London, Williams & Norgate, pp. 96. G. Vidari, Rosmini e Spencer, Milano, U. Hoepli, 1899 ; London, Williams & Norgate, 1899, pp. xvi., 295.