Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/445

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PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 431 displacement by attention ; complication experiments). The present inquiry deals (1) with the time limina of the various sense -departments, and (2) with the liminal time relations of successive disparate stimuli. Special regard is had in the latter case to attention. Description of apparatus and methods.] VlERTELJAHRSSCHRIFT F^R WlSSENSCHAFTLICHE PfllLOSOPHIE. Jahrg. xxiii., Heft 2. Oswald Kiilpe. ' Ueber den associativen Faktor des aesthetischen Eindrucks.' [The associated presentations must have immediate interest which can make the mere contemplation of them a source of pleasure. They must also combine with the formal factor in a single harmonious whole.] Eugen Fosch. ' Ausgangspunkte zu einer Theorie der Zeitvorstellung.' Zweiter Artikel. [The futurity of mere thoughts and the speech forms in which futurity finds expression. The nature of the Present ; is it a portion of time ? Simultaneity.] Her- mann Schwarz. ' Die empiristische Willenspsychologie und das Gesetz der relativen Glucksforderung.' [Maintains a nativistic theory of Cona- tion against all attempts to reduce it to a complex of presentations or of feelings .and presentations.] Besprechungen, etc. AECHIV FUR SYSTEMATISCHE PHILOSOPHIE. Band v., Heft 2. B. Tschitscherin. ' Eaum und Zeit.' [Time is an attribute of the absolute Subject-Object. Space is an a priori form with a counterpart in empirical reality, to be discussed in a future article.] Hans Kleinpeter.

  • Ueber Ernst Mach's und Heinrich Hertz' principielle Auffassung der

Physik.' [Sharp distinction between conceptual construction and matter of fact. We have free control over concepts as such because they are the work of our own mind.] Paul Natorp. ' Zur Streitfrage zwischen Empirismus und Kritizismus.' [Disputes position maintained in Kleinpeter's article.] Jakob Hacks. ' Die Prinzipien der Mechanik von Hertz und das Kausalgesetz.' [Life does not conform to the mechanical principles which hold good of inorganic matter.] Max "Wentscher. ' Zur Theorie des Gewissens.' [Distinguishes three meanings of Conscience : (1) feeling-reaction on comparison of action with idea of duty ; (2) ethical concepts current in a society ; (3) critical reflexion of the individual on ethical questions. (2) cannot explain (1) and (3), it can only supply their special content at a given time.] PHILOSOPHISCHES JAHRBUCH. Bd. xi., Heft 3. vorc*ik. ' Ueber- sichtliche Darstellung und Priifung der philosophischen Beweise fur die Geistigkeit und die Unsterblichkeit der menschlichen Seele.' [In this, the first of two papers, the writer first gives the proofs of the im- mortality of the soul : those that proceed from the immateriality of mind, and of the will, and from the phenomena of self-knowledge ; also those of Leibniz and Beneke. He then examines the proofs as to the principles on which they are based, attacking those of Descartes, Leibniz and Beneke.] Seitz. 'Die Freiheitslehre der lutherischen Kirche ihrer Beziehung zum Leibniz-Wolff schen Determinismus.' [This articl expounds the doctrine of free-will, firstly as set forth by Luther himself, and then as modified by Melanchthon in the teaching of the Lutheran Church ; the influence of these upon the determinism of Leibniz and of Wolff; and the antagonism of the Pietists to the latter system, which they considered as irreligious.] Dentler. ' Der NoCr nach Anaxagoras.' (In conclusion, the writer examines the action of the NoCs on the world, according to Anaxagoras. It seems certain that he does not suppose it only gave the first movement and impulsion to the universe, but also influenced its orderly development and probably, though not certainly, that it still continues its direct action after the first movement given.]