Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 8.djvu/573

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PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. 559 workers in every science. If we take the best men as representative of psychology, the first, third and fifth of Prof. Ladd's objections seem to be illusory. The second and fourth contain an element of truth ; but it is American conditions rather than American psychologists that are to blame.] H. Ellis. ' The Evolution of Modesty.' [The emotion of modesty, a psychic secondary sexual character of the first rank, is com- pounded of two fears : sexual fear, of the action of the male, and social fear, of evoking disgust. Clothing and bodily ornament bring in the new factor of coqwtterie. Then comes the conception of women as property. Finally we have the elaboration of a social ritual of modesty ; but extension does not mean intensification. The blush, the sanction of modesty, indicates that the emotion is a very radical constituent of human nature in all stages of civilisation.] ' Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, New York, December, 1898.' Discussions. C. L. Herrick. ' The Material vs. the Dynamic Psychology.' [Psychology is vitiated by its retention of the substance-idea. Consciousness is really activity, a form of energy. Adopting this standpoint, we can approach with some hope of answer the vexed questions of parallelism, of the seat of mind, and of biological vitalism.] W. Caldwell. ' The Postulates of a Structural Psychology.' [Critique of Titchener, from an epistemological point of view.] W. Cald- well. ' Psychological Method.' [Critique of McDougall.] Psychological Literature. New Books. Correspondence and Notes. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. August, 1899. Dr. Hartenberg. ' La Peur et le Mecanisme des Emotions.' [An emotion is a motor reaction con- sisting of four successive nervous phenomena, i.e. (1) a centrifugal motor cortical excitation, (2) a somatic motor reaction, (3) a centripetal sensory reaction, (4) a the reception at the vortex of the sensory excitation ; tf (epiphenomenon) consciousness ; hence an emotion may be defined as an internal movement, producing an internal sensation.] G-. Palante. ' L'Esprit de Corps.' [Esprit de Corps expresses the collective will-to-live of the group who experience it. It is at its height in the liberal professions. It fosters strict conformity to type, and hence mediocrity at the expense of the finer flower of individuality ; it is, therefore, inimical to morality.] Zi. Marillier. ' L'Origine des Dieux.' [The author continues his exposition of Mr. Grant Allen's theories as propounded in his Evolution of the Idea of God, singling out for special attention the chapter on " The Fabrication of Divinities," in which the origin of the God-idea is traced back to that of the soul of a dead person.] Revue Critique. G. Belot. ' La Psychologic du Socialisme d'apres Gustave Le Bon.' Analyses et comptes rendus. September, 1899. L. Marillier. ' L'Origine des Dieux (Fin.).' [A careful critical examination of the book, the contents of which have been expounded in previous articles. While admitting the value of the facts brought forward and of the many good qualities of the work, the writer shows that the method employed is not one on which any dependence can be placed.] A. Naville. ' La Nouveaute dans la Conclusion : Etude Syllogistique.' [Goes over the old ground of the value of the syllogistic conclusion : are we confined to the alternative either already known or unjustified? The writer answers in the negative and maintains that the term canon of syllogism is not the dictum de omni et nullo, but the law of substitution which Jevons formu- lated. G. Bos. ' Du Temps de Croyance.' [An act of belief is a syn- thesis, and occupies time. This time may De analysed into (1) temps optraloire, (2) temps de sommation, (3) temps de croyance, in which latter the synthesis proper takes place. The length of time required is directly proportional to the resistance which the idea to be believed encounters