Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 9.djvu/292

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278 NEW BOOKS. Die Spiele der Menschen. Von KARL GROOS. Jena: Gustav Fischer: London : Williams * Norgate, 1899. Pp. iv., 526. This work is marked by the same qualities and is written from the same point of view as the author's Spiele der Thiere. It is divided into two parts. The first, comprising 464 pages, is devoted to a detailed account of the various forms of human play. An imposing mass of material is utilised, drawn partly from observations of children and partly from anthropological sources. In classifying the forms of play, the author makes a broad division between those by which the individual obtains mastery over his own psychophysical organism and those in which his relation to other individuals is a prominent feature, so that they serve to educate him in social behaviour. Under the first head are brought the playful exercise of the " sensory apparatus," of the " motor appara- tus," and of the higher mental capacities. Under the second head are brought plays of competition and conflict, love plays, imitative plays and social plays in a more special sense). The second part of the book is entitled " Theory of Play ". It discusses the nature and function of play from various points of view : physiological, biological, psychological, sesthetic, sociological and pedagogic. Full critical notice will follow. RECEIVED also : C. Watson (ed. by) Encyclopaedia Mediea, vols. i. ii., Edinburgh, Green

  • Sons, 1899 ; two vols., pp. 579 ; 562.

G. Gore, Unscientific Basi* of Morality, London, S. Sonnenschein & Co., 1899, pp. viiL, 599. P. Topinard, Self nee and Faith, London, Kegan Paul, Trench 4 Co., 1899, pp. iv.. 374 J. S. Christison, Grime and Criminals, Chicago, J. S. Christison, 1899. E. D. Starbuck, The Psychology of Religion, London, W. Scott. 1899, pp. xv., 423. A. C. Fraser, Berkeley, Edinburgh and London, Blackwood A Sons, 1899, pp. x., 228. J. S. Christison, Brain in Relation to Mind, Chicago. 1899. J. Royee. The World and the Individual, New York, Macmillan Co., 1900, pp. xiv., 588. L. Levy-Bran!, History of Modern Philosophy in France, London, Kegan Paul, Trench A Co., 1899, pp. 302. E. W. Clewes, Educational Legislation and Administration of the Colonial Governments, New York, Macmillan Co., 1899. pp. ir., 524. J. Deniker, The Races of Man, London, Walter Scott, 1900, pp. xxiiL, 611. F. C. Spencer, Education of the Public Child, New York, Macmillan Co., 1899, pp. vL, 9". C. B. Dvke, The Economic Aspect of Teachers' Salaries, New York, Macmillan Co., 1899, pp. 83. W. J. Chamberlain, Education in India, New York, Macmillan Co., 1899, pp. vii., 106. K. Shute, A First Book in Organic Evolution, London, Kegan Paul, 1899, pp. xvL, 285. W. M. Salter, Walt Whitman, Philadelphia, S. Burns Weston, 1899, pp. 46. St. George Stock, Logic, London, S. M. Hamilton Kent & Co., 1900, pp. xi, 440.