Page:Mind (New Series) Volume 9.djvu/300

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286 PHILOSOPHICAL PERIODICALS. Unity of the spiritual organism, the Interdependence of its parts, and its power of Reproduction.] PHILOSOPHISCHKS JAHRBUCH. Bd. xii., Heft 2. V. Cathrein. 'Der Begriff dee sittlich Guten (conclusion).' [The writer proceeds to ex- pound Aquinas' theory of moral good and evil. Good is that towards which everything tends, according to its nature. The tendency which is according to reason is the human will ; that towards which the will tends is moral good. Moral evil is any defect, any failure in harmony between the tendency and reason. Its criterion is human nature itself, in relation to itself, to society, to God.] J. Geyser. ' Wie erklart Thomas von Aquin unsere Wahrnehmung der Aussenwelt ? ' [According to Aquinas, our perception of the outside world is partly passive, in so far as acted upon by the properties of bodies, partly active, in so far as the similitude objecti, which did not exist before, arises within us. This activity is not transient, since it remains in the agent ; it is immanent, and produces the form of the thing perceived in the perceive/. This form is the awareness that we perceive a sound, etc.] C. Svorcik. ' Uebersichtliche Darstellung . . . der . . . Beweise fur die . . . Un- sterblichkeit der . . . Seele (conclusion). [The writer gives a summary of various proofs of the immortality of the soul, metaphysical, telee- logical, moral, theological and historical ; after which he maintains ths value of certain metaphysical proofs attacked by Kant, and criticisee proofs given by Plato, Kant and Jacob.] J. Bach. ' Zur Geschichto der Schatzung der lebenden Krafte (continued).' [This paper, following the development of the idea of weight as vis viva, comes to Newton's law of gravitation, and thence enters on the problems connected with the notion of space.] J. Miiller. ' Komik und Humor.' [A critical article, dealing with a work by Theod. Lipps, bearing the same title. The work has many shortcomings, but much keen analysis.] C. Gutberlet. ' Zur Psychologic der Veranderungsauffassung.' [This is also a criticism, very favourable on the whole, of a book of the same title, by L. W. Stern, and dealing with experimental psychology.] KrviSTA FILOSOFICA. May-June, 1899. O. Zuccante. ' Le Opinion! del Cousin e del Tannery intorno agli argomenti di Zenone D'Elea.' [Against the view that Zeno's Paradoxes were criticisms of Heraclitus Tannery endeavours to show that they were intended as a reductio ad (ibsurduin of the Pythagorean view of space, body, time and motion. Ac- cepting the Pythagorean deduction that body is a sum of points, time a sum of instants, and motion a sum of simple passages from point to point, the absurdities of Zeno's paradoxes result. Against this theory the writer of the present article returns to the authority of Aristotle, which shows that Zeno criticised motion rather than the multiplicity involved in motion.] A. Piazzi. ' Liberta o Uniformita nelle scuole medie ? ' OK Cesca. ' I Corsi filosofici nelle UniversitJl germaniche nei deu semestri dell' anno accademico, 1898-1899.' [An interesting account of Philosophy in Germany. The article is supplemented by tables showing the names of teachers and the subjects of their lectures, also classified lists of numbers of students.] A. Faggi. ' Nota psicologica null' idea di numero.' [In a work published in 1898 the writer main- tained that the idea of number presupposed time, because the essence of number is repetition, or the successive addition of unit to unit. Since that date, however, he has noticed from observation of very young children that his theory was not confirmed in fact. The child dis- tinguished unity from multiplicity, and learnt number rather by the relations of groups of objects in space than by successive additions of units.] Bollettino, etc.