Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/152

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NEW BOOKS. 141 with interest for some time back. It falls, after an Introduction (pp. 1-92), into four parts : (1) The doctrine of Ethical Ideas, (2) Exposition of the Ideas, or the Forms of Moral Life, (3) The Psychological Mechanism of Ethical Action, (4) The Ethical View of the World. Critical Notice will follow. Allgemeine Ethik. Mit Bezugnahme auf die realen Lebensverhaltnisse pragniatisch bearbeitet von JOSEPH W. NAHLOWSKY. 2te verbesserte u. vermehrte Auflage. Leipzig : Veit, 1885. Pp.. xxiv., 366. This book, by the author of the better-known Gefiihlsleben (see MIND, Vol. x. 152), appeared originally in 1870. The present edition will receive notice at length later on. Meanwhile, we observe with regret, from a supplementary note by the publisher, that the author died at Graz last January, before the edition saw the light (though he had already written the new preface for it). Nahlowsky was in his 73rd year, and appears to have been long a sufferer ; having retired in 1878, through ill-health, from the professorship at Graz which he had held since 1862. A native of Prague, he had originally been in training for the priesthood, but turned to philosophy, and occupied a succession of posts in different Austrian universities from about the year 1845. EECEIVED also : T. V. Tymms, The Mystery of God, London, Eliot Stock, pp. xii., 354. M. C. Irvine, The Symmetry and Solidarity of Truth, i., London, Williams & Norgate, pp. xvii., 117. D. H. Tuke, The Insane in the United States and Canada, London, H. K. Lewis, pp. 260. E. Dean, Mind and Brain, London, Alexander & Shepheard, pp. 99. S. E. Titcomb, Mind-Cure on a Material Basis, Boston (U. S.), Cupples, Upham & Co., pp. 288. A. Zocco-Rosa, Principii d?una Preistoria del Diritto, Milano, Grieb, pp. 95. P. Siciliani, La nuova Biologia, Milano, Fratelli Dumolard, pp. xxvi., 408. G. Levi, La Dottrina dello Stato di G. G. F. Hegel e le altre Dottrine intorno olio Stesso Argomento, Roma, E. Loescher (vol. i.), pp. 257 ; (vol. ii.), pp. 434. G. P. Weygoldt, Die Platonische Philosophic nach ihrem Wesen und ihren Schicksalen fur Hohergebildete aller Stande dargestellt, Leipzig, 0. Schulze, pp. 256. R. Eucken, Beitrage zur Geschichte der neuern Philosophic vornehmlich der deutschen, Heidelberg, G. Weiss, pp. iii., 184. H. Spitta, Einleitung in die Psychologie als Wissenschaft, Freiburg i. B., J. C. B. Mohr (P. Siebeck), pp. viii,, 154. J. Volkelt, Erfahrung und Denken, Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Voss, pp. xvi., 556. L. Striimpell, Die Einleitung in die Philosophie vom Standpunkte der Ge- schichte der Philosophie, Leipzig, G. Bohme, pp. 484. E. Kaler, Die Ethik des Utilitarismus, Hamburg u. Leipzig, L. Voss, pp. 78. H. Schuchardt, Utber die Lautgesetze, Berlin, R. Oppenheim, pp. 39. H. Schaaffhausen, Anthropologische Studitn, Bonn, A. Marcus, pp. ix., 677. Notice of some of these* (come to hand too late) is deferred.