Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/304

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NOTES AND COBRESPONDENCE. 303 di Filosofia, and appears in a highly improved material guise. Being no longer the only philosophical journal in Italy, it will, without abandoning its traditional character, aim more expressly " at moving with independence upon the ground of free inquiry and of criticism of knowledge ". At the same time, the Rivista di Filosofia Scientific^ now in its fifth year, is changed from a bi-monthly of 128 pp. into a monthly of 64 pp. ; the director, Prof. E. Morselli, having now Sig. E. Tanzi associated with him as acting editor. Different French publishers are contending with each other in the issue of students' texts of the philosophical works now prescribed, by decree of January 1885, for use in lycees. Among those which have thus far ap- peared, special mention may be made of M. F. Picavet's edition of Part i. of Condillac's TraitS des Sensations (Ch. Delagrave). M. Picavet has given, to the length of pp. cxxxii., an account and appreciation of Condillac's life and works which is very noteworthy, and also promises the results of a more extended research on the history of French Sensationalism. It is interesting to observe that the prescription of Condillac is due to M. Paul Janet, though why it should stop short at Part, i., which is limited to "the senses which, of themselves, do not judge of external objects," is not explained. Prof. Ernst Laas of Strassburg, author of Kant's Analogien der Erfahrung (MiND, Vol. ii. 133) and other works, has just died, at the age of 48. Prof. J. G. Schurman of Dalhousie College, Halifax, N.S., has been appointed to a newly founded and well-endowed chair of Ethics and Philosophy in Cornell University, N.Y. THE JOURNAL OF SPECULATIVE PHILOSOPHY. Vol. xix., No. 3. G. W. Cooke The Dial. Hegel Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion (tr.). Leibniz Critique of Locke (beginning of a translation of the Nouvcaux Essais). Goeschel On the Immortality of the Soul (tr.). Notes and Dis- cussions, &c. REVUE PHILOSOPHIQUE. An. xi., No. 1. J. Tarde Problemes de criminalit^ (i.). F. Paulhan Le langage interieur et la pen see. K. Die- terich David Strauss et I'idealisme allemand. Notes et Discussions (Bourru et Burot Sur les variations de la personnalite. Lechalas et Egger Sur quelques illusions visuelles). Analyses et Comptes-rendus (D. G. Thomp- son, A System of Psychology, E. E. Saltus, The Philosophy of Disencliantment, cDc.). Rev. des Period. No. 2. A. Binet La perception de I'e'tendue par 1'oeil : Recherches exp^rimentales. G. Tarde Problemes de criminalite" (tin). L. Carrau La philosophie de Butler : i. La morale. Notes &c. (A. Binet et Ch. Fere Experiences sur les images associe'es. G. Hoctes A propos de graphologie). Analyses, &c. Socie'te' de Psychologic physio- logique (Pierre Janet Sur quelques phtmomenes de somnambulisme. J. He'ricourt Un cas de somnambulisme a distance. Ch. Rio-net Un fait de somnambulisme a distance. H. Beaunis Un fait de suggestion mentale. L. Marillier Etudes de quelques cas d'observation observes sur moi- meme. F. Myers De certaines formes d'hallucinations. Ch. Richet A propos des images mentales). No. 3. L. Dauriac L'acoustique psycho- logique. Ch. Fe're' Sensation et mouvement : Contribution a la psychologic du foetus (avec fig.). L. Carrau La philosophie de Butler : ii. L' Analogic. Analyses, &c. Soc. de Psychol. physiol. (R. Garofalo Contributions a I'e'tude du type criminel : recherches expdri mentales. Bourru et Burot Les premieres experiences sur Faction des medicaments a distance. Ch. Richet L'action des substances toxiques a distance ; De quelques ph^nomenes de suggestion sans hypnotisuie).