Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/449

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448 NEW BOOKS. hand, with the Thomistic philosophy of the Church. This idea of a con- ciliation of Thomism and science (understood in the widest sense) was the leading thought of the opening passage of Dr. Werner's first volume ; and with it he now concludes the last volume of the general part of his history. ffypatia von Alexandria. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Neuplatonismus. Von WOLFGANG ALEXANDER MEYER. Heidelberg : G. Weiss, 1886. Pp. 52. The thoroughness of this study may he seen fron the list of books con- sulted (pp. 51-2). The first section (pp. 6-33) gives all the facts that can be ascertained with regard to Hypatia. In the remaining sections an attempt is made, from the very slight materials available, to determine her probable philosophic position. The author arrives at the conclusion, chiefly from what is known of Hypatia's studies in mathematical and physical science, but also from some other indications, that " she had nothing in common with the Romantic reveries " of lamblichus and his school, but was probably nearer in spirit to the classical sources of Greek philosophy than any of the Neo-Platonists except Hierocles, rejecting even the com- paratively small element of theurgy and mysticism that is to be met with in Plotinus and Porphyry. RECEIVED also : W. Graham, The Social Problem, in its Economical, Moral and Political Aspects, London, Kegan Paul & Trench, pp. xx., 480. G. S. Morris, University Education (University of Michigan Philosophical Papers, I.), Ann Arbor, Andrews & Witherby, pp. 40. W. D. Granger, How to care for the Insane, New York, Putnam, pp. x., 96. M. A. Vaccaro, La Lotta per I'Esistensa e i suoi Effetti nelP Umanittl, Roma, F. Setth, pp. 149. A. v. Eye, Wesen und Werth des Daseins, 2te Aufl., Berlin, Allgemeine Verlags-Agentur, pp. vi., 310. N. Grabowsky, Die Bestimmung der Menschen, Berlin, Duncker, pp. 112. R. Schellwien, OptiscJie Haresien, Halle a. S., C. E. M. Pfeffer (R. Strieker), pp. iv., 98. R. Wallaschek, Ideen zur praktischen Philosophic, Tubingen, Laupp, pp. iv., 150. B. Zimmels, Leo Hebraeus, ein jiidiscJier Philosoph der Renaissance, Breslau, Kcebner, pp. 120. G. Mayer, Heraklit von Ephesus und Arthur Schopenhauer, Heidelberg, C. Winter, pp. 47. JReligionsphilosophie auf medern-wissenschaftlicher Grundlage, mit emi-m Vorwort von J. Baumann, Leipzig, Veit, pp. vi., 230. K. C. F. Krause, Abriss des Systemes der Philosophie, Leipzig, Schulze, pp. vi., 210. G. Class, Ideale u. Outer, Erlangen, Deichert, pp. 188. H. Druskowitz, Moderne Versuche eines Iteligionsersatzes, Heidelberg, Weiss, p. 90. Fr. Kirchner, Worterbuch der philosophiscJien Grundbegriffe, Heidelberg, Yiss, pp. 459. Aristotelis vepl fmujvtias interp, est Fr. Michelis, Heidelberg, Weiss, pp. 84. A. Thilo u. 0. Fliigel, Dittes ilber die praktische u. theoretische Philosophic Herbarts, Langensalza, Beyer, pp. 67. NOTICE of most of these will follow.