Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/595

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594 NEW BOOKS. Die Psychologic der Stoa. Von Dr. LUDWIG STEIN. Erster Band. Meta- plivsisch-anthropologischer Teil. Berlin : S. Calvary & Co., 1886. Pp. 216. This first volume of a monograph on the psychology of the Stoics, by the author of Die Willensfreiheit und ihr Verhdltniss zur gottlichen Pras<:itnz und Providenz lei den jiidischen Philosophen des Mittelalters (see MIND, Vol. vii. 157), leaves nothing to be desired in fulness of information and minute- ness of reference. The author regards Stoicism as, in spite of its apparent eclecticism, the most independent school of post-Aristotelian philosophy, This independence is nowhere more evident than in its psychology. The philosophy of Kant, it has been rightly said, knew no psychology. Of the Stoic philosophy precisely the contrary is true ; for it is on psychology that its whole system essentially rests (p. 12). In the present volume the sub- ject-matter is treated under the main heads of "Metaphysics" (part i., pp. 1-86) and " Anthropology " (part ii., 87-205). There is also an appendix on "The Microcosm and Macrocosm of the Stoic school" (pp. 205-14). A special feature of the work is that, in addition to the treatment according to the subject, there are detailed studies of the doctrines of the individual chiefs of Stoicism (pt. i. cc. 5-8, pp. 54-86, " Zeno," "Cleanthes and Chrysippus," "The Later Porch" ; pt. ii. cc. 11-14, pp. 151-205, "Zeno," "Cleanthes," " Chrysippus," " Middle and New Stoics "). Abriss des Systems der Philosophic. Von KARL CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH KRAUSE. Herausgegeben von Dr. PAUL HOHLFELD und Dr. AUG. WUXSCHE. Leipzig : 0. Schulze, 1886. Pp. vi., 210. This is the first complete edition of K. C. F. Krause's Abriss des Systrmts der Philosophic. Part i. (pp. 1-95) was published in 1828, and a second edition has since appeared, corrected according to Krause's manuscript remarks. Part ii. (pp. 97-210) has not been printed before. The laborious work of deciphering the MS. and putting it into order has been undertaken and carried through by the editors " in the unshakeable conviction of the imperishable worth of this outline, of the eternal truth of the ' Wesenlehre' generally ". Logik. Von Dr. FRIEDRICH HARMS, well. ord. Professor der Philosophic an der Universitat zu Berlin. Aus dem handschriftlichen Nachlasse des Verfassers herausgegeben von Dr. HEINRICH WIKS.K, ev. Pfarrer in Triebusch. Leipzig : Th. Grieben (L. Fernau), 1886. Pp. xii., 308. Former works of the author have been noticed in MIND, Vols. ii. 133 and iii. 292. This posthumous Logic is in two parts, of which the first (" The Conception of Logic," pp. 1-57) is concerned with the relation of logic to general philosophy, the second (pp. 58-269) with the " System of Logic :) itself. There follow notes (pp. 270-308) which are for the most part marginalia of the author. His general view is that logic is not merely a propa-deutic to philosophy, but is a part of philosophy itself, forming with metaphysics or ontology a " Wissenschaftslehre " distinct from the special sciences on the one hand, and from the remaining philosophical sciences of "physics" and "ethics" on the other. Metaphysics deals with the object of knowledge, with "being," and so with the presuppositions, fundamental concept ions and axioms common to all the " sciences of experience ". Logic deals with the same object-matter from its own point of view, which is that of " the knowing subject". Metaphysics, then-fore, cannot be independent of logic ; for-we can only determine the being of an object, what the object is, in so far as we know it. Experience is for logic and metaphysics a unity, the unity of thought ami being. For physics and ethics it is a duality. All experience falls into two kinds, " internal" and " external".