Page:Mind (Old Series) Volume 11.djvu/605

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IV INDEX. Biichner, L., Mind in Animals (tr.), vi. 292. Butler's Ethical System, (W. H. S. MONCK) iii. 358. Butler, S., Life and Habit, iii. 149 ; Evolution, Old and New, iv. 440 ; Unconscious Memory, vi. 146. Byk, J. A., Die vorsokratische Philoso- phic der Griechen (II.), iii. 153 ; Die Physiologic des Schonen, iv. 143 ; Rechtsphilosophie, vi. 601. C CAIRD, E. (a) Green's Last Work, viii. 544. (b) A. J. Balfour on Transcen- dentalism, iv. Ill; The so-called Idealism of Kant, 557 ; Kant's Refu* tation of Idealism, v. 115. (c) See R. Adamson, v. 124. Caird, E., A Critical Account of the Philosophy of Kant, ii. 430, (T. M. LINDSAY) 476 ; The Problem of Phil- osophy at the Present Time, vii. 152 ; Hegel, viii. 307, (R. ADAMSON) 432 ; The Social Philosophy and Religion of Comte, x. 462. Caird, J. , An Introduction to the Philo- sophy of Religion, v. 435, (W. KNIGHT) 548. Cairnes, J. E., The Character and Logical Method of Political Economy, (EDITOR) i. 131. CALDERWOOD, H. (a) H. Sidgwick on Intuitionalism, i. 197 ; Another View of Green's Last Work, x. 73. Calderwood, H., On Intuitionalism in Morals, (H. SIDGWICK) i. 563 ; The Relations of Mind and Brain, iv. 445, (J. T. LINGARD)V. 130, (2nd ed.) ix. 314. Cambridge, Philosophy at, (H. SIDG- WICK) i. 235. Camerer, T., Die Lehre Spinoza's, (A. B. LEE) iii. 261. Candolle, A. de, Histoire des Sciences et des Savants (2me ed), x. 308. Cantoni, C., Giuseppe Ferrari, iii. 583 ; Emanuele Kant (I.-III.), iv. 601, viii. 310, ix. 611. rapes, W. W., Stoicism, vi. 145. Cappie, J. , The Causation of Sleep (2nd ed.), viii. 307. Carpenter, W. B., Theory of Attention of, (J. T. LINOAUD) ii. 272. Carriere, M., Aesthclik (3te Aufl.), x. 627. Castillon, Sur un nouvel Algorithmique logique, (J. VENN) vi. 447. Cataract, Cases of Couching for, (W. H. S. MONCK) vii. 107. Causation, On, (S. H. HODGSON) iv. 500 ; And its Organic Conditions, (E. MONT- GOMERY) vii. 209, 381, 514. Cell-Aggregates, Are we ? (E. MONT- GOMERY) vii. 100. Cerebral Cortex, Sanders on Develop- ment of the, i. 271 ; A. Hollis on Localisation of Function in the, ii. 250. Cerebrum, Functions of the, (EDITOR) ii. 108, 247, v. 254 ; cp. vii. 299. Ceretti, P., Opere Postume, x. 620. Cesca, G. , L' Evoluzionismo di Erberto Spencer, viii. 143 ; H nuovo Realismo in Germania ed Inghilterra, 309 ; Le Teorie della Localizzazione spaziale, 460 ; La Dottrina Kantiana dell 'A Priori and L'Origine del Principle di Causalitu, x. 309. CHAMPNEYS, F. H. (b) Notes on an In- fant, vi. 104. Chance, The Philosophy of, (F. Y. EDGEWORTH) ix. 223. Character, F. Galton on Study of Types of, ii. 573. Chiappelli, A., Della Interpretazione Panteisticn di Platone, vii. 154. Children, H. Taine on the Acquisition of Language by, ii. 252 ; Mental De- velopment in, (J. STILLY) v. 385. Chloroform, Consciousness under, (H. SPENCBR) iii. 555. Clarke, H. J., The Fundamental Science, x. 466. Classification of the Sciences, (H. M. STANLEY) ix. 265. Classified English Vocabulary, A,. 574. Cleland, J., Evolution, Expression and Sensation, vii. 449. Clevenger, S. V., Comparative Physio- logy and Psychology, x. 303. CLIFFORD, W. K. (a) On the Nature of Things-in-themselves, iii. 57. CliHbrd, W. K., Death of, iv. 295 ; Lectur' s and Essays, 596 ; Seeing and Tli inking, v. 148 ; The Common Sense of the Exact Sciences, x. 465. Clodd, E., Mi/f/ixoinf Dreams, x. 463. Cocker, B. F., Psychology, viii. 139. ' Cogito ergo sum,' (W. G. DAVIEK) ii. 412 ; cp. i. 568, ii. 126, 259. Cognition, On the Function of, (W. JAMES) x. 27. Cohen, H., Kant's Begrundun<j </>r Ethik, iii. 153 ; Das Princip der In- finitcsiinal-Mil/ii'tlc, ix. 159. Collective and Abstract Terms, The Original Intention of, ^F. M. MULLEU) i. 345. COLLIF.R, J. (c) See A. Espinas, A. Fouille'e.