Page:Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Subjects.djvu/57

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at a cost for labour of less than 1d. per square foot, and this, as you know, is one of the most important operations in mechanics. It is therefore well adapted to illustrate what our progress has been. At the same time that this increased production is taking place, the fixed capital of the country is, as a necessary consequence, augmented; for, in the case I have mentioned of chipping and filing by the hand, when the cost of labour was 12s. per foot, the capital required for tools for one workman was only a few shillings; but now the labour being lowered to 1d. per foot, a capital in planing machines for the workmen is required, which often amounts to £500, and in some cases more. This large outlay of capital, invested in machinery to increase production, makes it very difficult to curtail the hours of working machinery, as much as could be desired. In some cases two sets of work-people have been employed in relays, each working eight hours a day; and this system perhaps may in time be extended, although it is attended with certain inconveniences. If, however, the relay system could be so improved and organised as to allow more time for the better education of young operatives, none would more cordially rejoice than myself. I believe that the science of mechanics, though a mere material power in itself, may, if rightly used, become a