Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/102

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thought, — and must proceed from God; hence it must be sinless, and destitute of self-created or derived capacity to sin.

Third: Jesus said, “If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.” This statement of our Master is true, and remains to be demonstrated; for it is the ultimatum of Christian Science; but this immortal saying can never be tested or proven true upon a false premise, such as the mortal belief that soul is in body, and life and intelligence are in matter. That doctrine is not theism, but pantheism. According to human belief the bodies of mortals are mortal, but they contain immortal souls! hence these bodies must die for these souls to escape and be immortal. The theory that death must occur, to set a human soul free from its environments, is rendered void by Jesus' divine declaration, who spake as never man spake, — and no man can rationally reject his authority on this subject and accept it on other topics less important.

Now, exchange the term soul for sense whenever this word means the so-called soul in the body, and you will find the right meaning indicated. The misnamed human soul is material sense, which sinneth and shall die; for it is an error or false sense of mentality in matter, and matter has no sense. You will admit that Soul is the Life of man. Now if Soul sinned, it would die; for “the wages of sin is death.” The Scripture saith, “When Christ, who is our life, shall appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.” The Science of Soul, Spirit, involves this appearing, and is essential to the fulfilment of this glorious prophecy of the master Metaphysician, who overcame the last enemy, death.