Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/124

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question of personality a point, or of any importance, is that man's perfect model should be held in mind, whereby to improve his present condition ; that his contemplation regarding himself should turn away from inharmony, sickness, and sin, to that which is the image of his Maker.

Science and the Senses

Substance of my Address at the National Convention in Chicago, June 13, 1888.

The National Christian Scientist Association has brought us together to minister and to be ministered unto; mutually to aid one another in finding ways and means for helping the whole human family; to quicken and extend the interest already felt in a higher mode of medicine; to watch with eager joy the individual growth of Christian Scientists, and the progress of our common Cause in Chicago, — the miracle of the Occident. We come to strengthen and perpetuate our organizations and institutions; and to find strength in union, — strength to build up, through God's right hand, that pure and undefiled religion whose Science demonstrates God and the perfectibility of man. This purpose is immense, and it must begin with individual growth, a “consummation devoutly to be wished.” The lives of all reformers attest the authenticity of their mission, and call the world to acknowledge its divine Principle. Truly is it written: —

Thou must be true thyself, if thou the truth would'st teach;
Thy heart must overflow, if thou another's heart would'st reach.”