Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/13

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Pray thee, take care, that tak'st my book in hand,
To read it well; that is, to understand.
Ben Jonson: Epigram I.

When I would know thee . . . my thought looks
Upon thy well made choice of friends and books;
Then do I love thee, and behold thy ends
In making thy friends books, and thy books friends.
Ben Jonson: Epigram 86.

If worlds were formed by matter,
 And mankind from the dust;
Till time shall end more timely,
 There's nothing here to trust.

Thenceforth to evolution's
 Geology, we say, —
Nothing have we gained therefrom,
 And nothing have to pray;
My world has sprung from Spirit,
 In everlasting day;
Whereof, I've more to glory,
 Wherefor, have much to pay.
Mary Baker Eddy.