Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/160

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who are made hopeful, and the sinful and ignorant who have become “wise unto salvation”!

And now, dear sir, as you have expressed contrition for an act which you have immediately repeated, you are placed in this dilemma: To reiterate such words of apology as characterize justice and Christianity.

Very truly,
Mary Baker G. Eddy.

To the National Christian Scientist Association

Beloved Students: — Meet together and meet en masse, in 1888, at the annual session of the National Christian Scientist Association. Be “of one mind,” “in one place,” and God will pour you out a blessing such as you never before received. He who dwelleth in eternal light is bigger than the shadow, and will guard and guide His own.

Let no consideration bend or outweigh your purpose to be in Chicago on June 13. Firm in your allegiance to the reign of universal harmony, go to its rescue. In God's hour, the powers of earth and hell are proven powerless. The reeling ranks of materia medica, with poisons, nostrums, and knives, are impotent when at war with the omnipotent! Like Elisha, look up, and behold: “They that be with us, are more than they that be with them.”

Error is only fermenting, and its heat hissing at the “still, small voice” of Truth; but it can neither silence nor disarm God's voice. Spiritual wickedness is standing in high places; but, blind to its own fate, it will tumble into the bottomless.