Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/162

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longer expect. When I retired from the field of labor, it was a departure, socially, publicly, and finally, from the routine of such material modes as society and our societies demand. Rumors are rumors, — nothing more. I am still with you on the field of battle, taking forward marches, broader and higher views, and with the hope that you will follow.

The eternal and infinite, already brought to your earnest consideration, so grow upon my vision that I cannot feel justified in turning aside for one hour from contemplation of them and of the faith unfeigned. When the verities of being seem to you as to me, — as they must some time, — you will understand the necessity for my seclusion, and its fulfilment of divine order. “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord.”

All our thoughts should be given to the absolute demonstration of Christian Science. You can well afford to give me up, since you have in my last revised edition of Science and Health your teacher and guide.

I recommend that the June session of this honorable body shall close your meetings for the summer; also, that hereafter you hold three sessions annually, convening once in four months; oftener is not requisite, and the members coming from a distance will be accommodated by this arrangement.

Yours affectionately,
Mary B. G. Eddy.