Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/179

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and methods, than in man and his material ways and means, of establishing the Cause of Christian Science. If right yourself, God will confirm His inheritance. “Be not weary in well doing.” Truth is restful, and Love is triumphant.

When God went forth before His people, they were fed with manna: they marched through the wilderness: they passed through the Red Sea, untouched by the billows. At His command, the rock became a fountain; and the land of promise, green isles of refreshment. In the words of the Psalmist, when “the Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.”

God is good to Israel, — washed in the waters of Meribah, cleansed of the flesh, — good to His Israel encompassed not with pride, hatred, self-will, and self-justification; wherein violence covereth men as a garment, and as captives are they enchained.

Christian Scientists bring forth the fruits of Spirit, not flesh; and God giveth this “new name” to no man who honors Him not by positive proof of trustworthiness. May you be able to say, “I have not cleansed my heart in vain.”

Sir Edwin Arnold, to whom I presented a copy of my first edition of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” writes: —

Peace on earth and Good-will!
Souls that are gentle and still
Hear the first music of this
Far-off, infinite, Bliss!

So may the God of peace be and abide with this church.

Affectionately yours,

Mary Baker Eddy.