Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/181

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God is All-in-all — therefore, that in reality there is but one cause and effect.

The pride of circumstance or power is the prince of this world that has nothing in Christ. All power and happiness are spiritual, and proceed from goodness. Sacrifice self to bless one another, even as God has blessed you. Forget self in laboring for mankind; then will you woo the weary wanderer to your door, win the pilgrim and stranger to your church, and find access to the heart of humanity. While pressing meekly on, be faithful, be valiant in the Christian's warfare, and peace will crown your joy.

Lovingly yours,

Mary Baker Eddy. 

To Correspondents

Beloved Students: — Because Mother has not the time even to read all of her interesting correspondence, and less wherein to answer it (however much she desires thus to do), she hereby requests: First, that you, her students' students, who write such excellent letters to her, will hereafter, as a general rule, send them to the editors of The Christian Science Journal for publication, and thereby give to us all the pleasure of hearing from you.

If my own students cannot spare time to write to God, — when they address me I shall be apt to forward their letters to Him as our common Parent, and by way of The Christian Science Journal; thus fulfilling their moral obligation to furnish some reading-matter for our denominational organ. Methinks, were they to contemplate the universal charge wherewith divine Love has entrusted us,