Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/251

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Hints to the Clergy

At the residence of Mr. Rawson, of Arlington, Massachusetts, a happy concourse of friends had gathered to celebrate the eighty-second birthday of his mother — a friend of mine, and a Christian Scientist.

Among the guests, were an orthodox clergyman, his wife and child.

In the course of the evening, conversation drifted to the seventh modern wonder, Christian Science; whereupon the mother, Mrs. Rawson, who had drunk at its fount, firmly bore testimony to the power of Christ, Truth, to heal the sick.

Soon after this conversation, the clergyman's son was taken violently ill. Then was the clergyman's opportunity to demand a proof of what the Christian Scientist had declared; and he said to this venerable Christian: —

“If you heal my son, when seeing, I may be led to believe.”

Mrs. Rawson then rose from her seat, and sat down beside the sofa whereon lay the lad with burning brow, moaning in pain.

Looking away from all material aid, to the spiritual source and ever-present help, silently, through the divine power, she healed him.

The deep flush faded from the face, a cool perspiration spread over it, and he slept.

In about one hour he awoke, and was hungry.

The parents said: —

“Wait until we get home, and you shall have some gruel.”