Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/266

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“I have not got cold.”

Why, the doctor's squills and bills would have been avoided; and through the cold air the little one would have been bounding with sparkling eyes, and ruby cheeks painted and fattened by metaphysical hygiene.

Parents and doctors must not take the sweet freshness out of the children's lives by that flippant caution, “You will get cold.”

Predicting danger does not dignify life, whereas forecasting liberty and joy does; for these are strong promoters of health and happiness. All education should contribute to moral and physical strength and freedom. If a cold could get into the body without the assent of mind, nature would take it out as gently, or let it remain as harmlessly, as it takes the frost out of the ground or puts it into the ice-cream to the satisfaction of all.

The sapling bends to the breeze, while the sturdy oak, with form and inclination fixed, breasts the tornado. It is easier to incline the early thought rightly, than the biased mind. Children not mistaught, naturally love God; for they are pure-minded, affectionate, and generally brave. Passions, appetites, pride, selfishness, have slight sway over the fresh, unbiased thought.

Teach the children early self-government, and teach them nothing that is wrong. If they see their father with a cigarette in his mouth — suggest to them that the habit of smoking is not nice, and that nothing but a loathsome worm naturally chews tobacco. Likewise soberly inform them that “Battle-Axe Plug” takes off men's heads; or, leaving these on, that it takes from their bodies a sweet something which belongs to nature, — namely, pure odors.