Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/269

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twenty-four hours she would have delirium — and in forty-eight hours cured her perfectly of this habit, with no bad results, but with decided improvement in health.

I have not yet made surgery one of the mental branches taught in my college; although students treat sprains, contusions, etc., successfully. In the case of sprain of the wrist-joint, where the regular doctor had put on splints and bandages to remain six weeks, a student of mine removed these appliances the same day and effected the cure in less than one week. Reference, Mrs. M. A. F——, 107 Eutaw Street, East Boston.

I agree with the Professor, that every system of medicine claims more than it practises. If the system is Science, it includes of necessity the Principle, which the learner can demonstrate only in proportion as he understands it. Boasting is unbecoming a mortal's poor performances. My Christian students are proverbially modest: their works alone should declare them, since my system of medicine is not generally understood. There are charlatans in “mind-cure,” who practise on the basis of matter, or human will, not Mind.

The Professor alludes to Paul's advice to Timothy. Did he refer to that questionable counsel, “Take a little wine for thy stomach's sake”? Even doctors disagree on that prescription: some of the medical faculty will tell you that alcoholic drinks cause the coats of the stomach to thicken and the organ to contract; will prevent the secretions of the gastric juice, and induce ulceration, bleeding, vomiting, death.

Again, the Professor quotes, in justification of material methods, and as veritable: “He took a bone from the