Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/288

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Dear readers, our Journal is designed to bring health and happiness to all households wherein it is permitted to enter, and to confer increased power to be good and to do good. If you wish to brighten so pure a purpose, you will aid our prospect of fulfilling it by your kind patronage of The Christian Science Journal, now entering upon its fifth volume, clad in Truth-healing's new and costly spring dress.

Heart to Heart

When the heart speaks, however simple the words, its language is always acceptable to those who have hearts.

I just want to say, I thank you, my dear students, who are at work conscientiously and assiduously, for the good you are doing. I am grateful to you for giving to the sick relief from pain; for giving joy to the suffering and hope to the disconsolate; for lifting the fallen and strengthening the weak, and encouraging the heart grown faint with hope deferred. We are made glad by the divine Love which looseth the chains of sickness and sin, opening the prison doors to such as are bound; and we should be more grateful than words can express, even through this white-winged messenger, our Journal.

With all the homage beneath the skies, yet were our burdens heavy but for the Christ-love that makes them light and renders the yoke easy. Having his word, you have little need of words of approval and encouragement from me. Perhaps it is even selfish in me sometimes to relieve my heart of its secrets, because I take so much