Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/290

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quote from other authors and give them credit for every random thought in line with mine.

My noble students, who are loyal to Christ, Truth, and human obligations, will not be disheartened in the midst of this seething sea of sin. They build for time and eternity. The others stumble over misdeeds, and their own unsubstantially, without the groundwork of right, till, like camera shadows thrown upon the mists of time, they melt into darkness.

Unity is the essential nature of Christian Science. Its Principle is One, and to demonstrate the divine One, demands oneness of thought and action.

Many students enter the Normal class of my College whom I have not fitted for it by the Primary course. They are taught their first lessons by my students; hence the aptness to assimilate pure and abstract Science is somewhat untested.

“As the twig is bent, the tree's inclined.” As mortal mind is directed, it acts for a season. Some students leave my instructions before they are quite free from the bias of their first impressions, whether those be correct or incorrect. Such students are more or less subject to the future mental influence of their former teacher. Their knowledge of Mind-healing may be right theoretically, but the moral and spiritual status of thought must be right also. The tone of the teacher's mind must be pure, grand, true, to aid the mental development of the student; for the tint of the instructor's mind must take its hue from the divine Mind. A single mistake in metaphysics, or in ethics, is more fatal than a mistake in physics.

If a teacher of Christian Science unwittingly or inten-