Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/301

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Would not our Master say to the chief actors in scenes like these, “Ye fools and blind!” Oh, tardy human justice! would you take away even woman's trembling, clinging faith in divine power? Who can roll away the stone from the door of this sepulchre? Who — but God's avenging angel!

In times like these it were well to lift the veil on the sackcloth of home, where weepeth the faithful, stricken mother, and the bruised father bendeth his aching head; where the bereft wife or husband, silent and alone, looks in dull despair at the vacant seat, and the motherless little ones, wondering, huddle together, and repeat with quivering lips words of strange import. May the great Shepherd that “tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,” and binds up the wounds of bleeding hearts, just comfort, encourage, and bless all who mourn.

Father, we thank Thee that Thy light and Thy love reach earth, open the prison to them that are bound, console the innocent, and throw wide the gates of heaven.

Loyal Christian Scientists

Pen can never portray the satisfaction that you afforded me at the grand meeting in Chicago of the National Christian Scientist Association in 1888. Your public and private expressions of love and loyalty were very touching. They moved me to speechless thanks.

Chicago is the wonder of the western hemisphere. The Palmer House, where we stopped, is magnificent and orderly. The servants are well-mannered, and the fare is appetizing. The floral offerings sent to my apartments