Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/31

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thought. This work well done will elevate and purify the race. It cannot fail to do this if we devote our best energies to the work.

Science reveals man as spiritual, harmonious, and eternal. This should be understood. Our College should be crowded with students who are willing to consecrate themselves to this Christian work. Mothers should be able to produce perfect health and perfect morals in their children — and ministers, to heal the sick — by studying this scientific method of practising Christianity. Many say, “I should like to study, but have not sufficient faith that I have the power to heal.” The healing power is Truth and Love, and these do not fail in the greatest emergencies.

Materia medica says, “I can do no more. I have done all that can be done. There is nothing to build upon. There is no longer any reason for hope.” Then metaphysics comes in, armed with the power of Spirit, not matter, takes up the case hopefully and builds on the stone that the builders have rejected, and is successful.

Metaphysical therapeutics can seem a miracle and a mystery to those only who do not understand the grand reality that Mind controls the body. They acknowledge an erring or mortal mind, but believe it to be brain matter. That man is the idea of infinite Mind, always perfect in God, in Truth, Life, and Love, is something not easily accepted, weighed down as is mortal thought with material beliefs. That which never existed, can seem solid substance to this thought. It is much easier for people to believe that the body affects the mind, than that the mind affects the body.