Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/311

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attacks, and in favor of combating evil only, rather than person.

An edition of one thousand pamphlets I ordered to be laid away and not one of them circulated, because I had been personal in condemnation. Afterwards, by a blunder of the gentleman who fills orders for my books, some of these pamphlets were mistaken for the corrected edition, and sold.

Love is the fulfilling of the law. Human life is too short for foibles or failures. The Christian Science Journal will hold high the banner of Truth and Love, and be impartial and impersonal in its tenor and tenets.


It was about the year 1875 that Science and Health first crossed swords with free-love, and the latter fell hors de combat; but the whole warfare of sensuality was not then ended. Science and Health, the book that cast the first stone, is still at work, deep down in human consciousness, laying the axe at the root of error.

We have taken the precaution to write briefly on marriage, showing its relation to Christian Science. In the present or future, some extra throe of error may conjure up a new-style conjugality, which, ad libitum, severs the marriage covenant, puts virtue in the shambles, and coolly notifies the public of broken vows. Springing up from the ashes of free-love, this nondescript phœnix, in the face and eyes of common law, common sense, and common honesty, may appear in the rôle of a superfine conjugality; but, having no Truth, it will have no past, present, or future.