Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/328

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Behind the scenes lurks an evil which you can prevent: it is a purpose to kill the reformation begun and increasing through the instructions of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures;” it encourages infringement of my copyright, and seeks again to “cast lots for his vesture,” — while the perverter preserves in his own consciousness and teaching the name without the Spirit, the skeleton without the heart, the form without the comeliness, the sense without the Science, of Christ's healing. My students are expected to know the teaching of Christian Science sufficiently to discriminate between error and Truth, thus sparing their teacher a task and themselves the temptation to be misled.

Much good has been accomplished through Christian Science Sunday services. If Christian Scientists occasionally mistake in interpreting revealed Truth, of two evils the less would be not to leave the Word unspoken and untaught. I allowed, till this permission was withdrawn, students working faithfully for Christ's cause on earth, the privilege of copying and reading my works for Sunday service; provided, they each and all destroyed the copies at once after said service. When I should so elect and give suitable notice, they were to desist from further copying of my writings as aforesaid.

This injunction did not curtail the benefit which the student derived from making his copy, nor detract from the good that his hearers received from his reading thereof; but it was intended to forestall the possible evil of putting the divine teachings contained in “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” into human hands, to subvert or to liquidate.

I recommend that students stay within their own fields