Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/333

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over thee.” God gives you His spiritual ideas, and in turn, they give you daily supplies. Never ask for tomorrow: it is enough that divine Love is an ever-present help; and if you wait, never doubting, you will have all you need every moment. What a glorious inheritance is given to us through the understanding of omnipresent Love! More we cannot ask: more we do not want: more we cannot have. This sweet assurance is the “Peace, be still” to all human fears, to suffering of every sort.

Deification of Personality

Notwithstanding the rapid sale already of two editions of “Christ and Christmas,” and many orders on hand, I have thought best to stop its publication.

In this revolutionary religious period, the increasing inquiry of mankind as to Christianity and its unity — and above all, God's love opening the eyes of the blind — is fast fitting all minds for the proper reception of Christian Science healing.

But I must stand on this absolute basis of Christian Science; namely, Cast not pearls before the unprepared thought. Idolatry is an easily-besetting sin of all peoples. The apostle saith, “Little children, keep yourselves from idols.”

The illustrations were not intended for a golden calf, at which the sick may look and be healed. Christian Scientists should beware of unseen snares, and adhere to the divine Principle and rules for demonstration. They must guard against the deification of finite personality. Every human thought must turn instinctively to