Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/342

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selves against mental malpractice, but never to return evil for evil; never to attack the malpractitioner, but to know the truth that makes free, — and so to be a law not unto others, but themselves.

Class, Pulpit, Students' Students

When will you take a class in Christian Science or speak to your church in Boston? is often asked.

I shall speak to my dear church at Boston very seldom. The Mother Church must be self-sustained by God. The date of a class in Christian Science should depend on the fitness of things, the tide which flows heavenward, the hour best for the student. Until minds become less worldly-minded, and depart farther from the primitives of the race, and have profited up to their present capacity from the written word, they are not ready for the word spoken at this date.

My juniors can tell others what they know, and turn them slowly toward the haven. Imperative, accumulative, sweet demands rest on my retirement from life's bustle. What, then, of continual recapitulation of tired aphorisms and disappointed ethics; of patching breaches widened the next hour; of pounding wisdom and love into sounding brass; of warming marble and quenching volcanoes! Before entering the Massachusetts Metaphysical College, had my students achieved the point whence they could have derived most benefit from their pupilage, to-day there would be on earth paragons of Christianity, patterns of humility, wisdom, and might for the world.