Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/364

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verity in Science, that the appearing of good in an individual involves the disappearing of evil. He who first brings to humanity some great good, must have gained its height beforehand, to be able to lift others toward it. I first proved to myself, not by “words,” — these afford no proof, — but by demonstration of Christian Science, that its Principle is divine. All must go and do likewise.

Faith illumined by works; the spiritual understanding which cannot choose but to labor and love; hope holding steadfastly to good in the midst of seething evil; charity that suffereth long and is kind, but cancels not sin until it be destroyed, — these afford the only rule I have found which demonstrates Christian Science.

And remember, a pure faith in humanity will subject one to deception; the uses of good, to abuses from evil; and calm strength will enrage evil. But the very heavens shall laugh at them, and move majestically to your defense when the armies of earth press hard upon you.

Thou must be true thyself,
 If thou the truth wouldst teach;
Thy soul must overflow, if thou
 Another's soul wouldst reach;
It needs the overflow of heart,
 To give the lips full speech,
Think truly, and thy thoughts
 Shall the world's famine feed;
Speak truly, and each word of thine
 Shall be a fruitful seed;
Live truly, and thy life shall be
 A great and noble creed.”