Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/39

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The only justice of which I feel at present capable, is mercy and charity toward every one, — just so far as one and all permit me to exercise these sentiments toward them, — taking special care to mind my own business.

The falsehood, ingratitude, misjudgment, and sharp return of evil for good yea, the real wrongs (if wrong can be real) which I have long endured at the hands of others have most happily wrought out for me the law of loving mine enemies. This law I now urge upon the solemn consideration of all Christian Scientists. Jesus said, “If ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.”

Christian Theism

Scholastic theology elaborates the proposition that evil is a factor of good, and that to believe in the reality of evil is essential to a rounded sense of the existence of good.

This frail hypothesis is founded upon the basis of material and mortal evidence — only upon what the shifting mortal senses confirm and frail human reason accepts. The Science of Soul reverses this proposition, overturns the testimony of the five erring senses, and reveals in clearer divinity the existence of good only; that is, of God and His idea.

This postulate of divine Science only needs to be conceded, to afford opportunity for proof of its correctness and the clearer discernment of good.

Seek the Anglo-Saxon term for God, and you will find it to be good; then define good as God, and you will find that good is omnipotence, has all power; it fills