Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/390

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consonance with the textbook of Christian Science Mind-healing, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” Interpreting the Word in the “new tongue,” whereby the sick are healed, naturally evokes new paraphrase from the world of letters. “Wait patiently on the Lord, and He will renew your strength.” In return for individual sacrifice, what a recompense to have healed, through Truth, the sick and sinful, made the public your friend, and posterity your familiar!

Christian Science refutes everything that is not a postulate of the divine Principle, God. It is the soul of divine philosophy, and there is no other philosophy. It is not a search after wisdom, it is wisdom: it is God's right hand grasping the universe, — all time, space, immortality, thought, extension, cause, and effect; constituting and governing all identity, individuality, law, and power. It stands on this Scriptural platform: that He made all that was made, and it is good, reflects the divine Mind, is governed by it; and that nothing apart from this Mind, one God, is self-created or evolves the universe.

Human hypotheses predicate matter of Spirit and evil of good; hence these opposites must either cooperate or quarrel throughout time and eternity, — or until this impossible partnership is dissolved. If Spirit is the lawgiver to matter, and good has the same power or modes as evil, it has the same consciousness, and there is no absolute good. This error, carried to its ultimate, would either extinguish God and His modes, or give reality and power to evil ad infinitum.

Christian Science rends this veil of the temple of gods, and reproduces the divine philosophy of Jesus and Paul