Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/392

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If the Bible and “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” had in our schools the time or attention that human hypotheses consume, they would advance the world. True, it requires more study to understand and demonstrate what they teach than to learn the doctrine of theology, philosophy, or physics, because they contain and offer Science, with fixed Principle, given rule, and unmistakable proof.

The Scriptures give the keynote of Christian Science from Genesis to Revelation, and this is the prolonged tone: “For the Lord He is God, and there is none beside Him.” And because He is All-in-all, He is in nothing unlike Himself; and nothing that worketh or maketh a lie is in Him, or can be divine consciousness.

At this date, poor jaded humanity needs to get her eyes open to a new style of imposition in the field of medicine and of religion, and to “beware of the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees,” the doctrines of men, even as Jesus admonished. From first to last, evil insists on the unity of good and evil as the purpose of God; and on drugs, electricity, and animal magnetism as modes of medicine. To a greater or less extent, all mortal conclusions start from this false premise, and they necessarily culminate in sickness, sin, disease, and death. Erroneous doctrines never have abated and never will abate dishonesty, self-will, envy, and lust. To destroy sin and its sequence, is the office of Christ, Truth, — according to His mode of Christian Science; and this is being done daily.

The false theories whose names are legion, gilded with sophistry and what Jesus had not, namely, mere book-