Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/396

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feebleness calls for help, “Rise and walk.” We rejoice to say, in the spirit of our Master, “Stretch forth thy hand, and be whole!”

When the Pharisees saw Jesus do such deeds of mercy, they went away and took counsel how they might remove him. The antagonistic spirit of evil is still abroad; but the greater spirit of Christ is also abroad, — risen from the grave-clothes of tradition and the cave of ignorance. Let the sentinels of Zion's watch-towers shout once again, “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given.”

In different ages the divine idea assumes different forms, according to humanity's needs. In this age it assumes, more intelligently than ever before, the form of Christian healing. This is the babe we are to cherish. This is the babe that twines its loving arms about the neck of omnipotence, and calls forth infinite care from His loving heart.

Blind Leaders

What figure is less favorable than a wolf in sheep's clothing? The braying donkey whose ears stick out is less troublesome. What manner of man is it that has discovered an improvement on Christian Science, a “metaphysical healing” by which error destroys error, and would gather all sorts into a “national convention” by the sophistry that such is the true fold for Christian healers, since the good shepherd cares for all?

Yes; the good Shepherd does care for all, and His first care is to separate the sheep from the goats; and