Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/402

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attention to such matters, is that the art is perfect. It is the true art of the oldest, most revered, most authentic Italian school, revived. I use the words most authentic in the following sense: the face, figure, and drapery of Jesus, very closely resemble in detail the face, figure, and drapery of that Jesus portrayed by the oldest of the old masters, and said to have been authentic; the face having been taken by Fra Angelico from Cæsar's Cameo, the figure and garments from a description, in The Galaxy, of a small sketch handed down from the living reality. Their productions are expressionless copies of an engraving cut in a stone. Yours is a palpitating, living Saviour engraven on the heart. You have given us back our Jesus, and in a much better form.”

Sunrise at Pleasant View

Who shall describe the brave splendor of a November sky that this morning burst through the lattice for me, on my bed? According to terrestrial calculations, above the horizon, in the east, there rose one rod of rainbow hues, crowned with an acre of eldritch ebony. Little by little this topmost pall, drooping over a deeply dazzling sunlight, softened, grew gray, then gay, and glided into a glory of mottled marvels. Fleecy, faint, fairy blue and golden flecks came out on a background of cerulean hue; while the lower lines of light kindled into gold, orange, pink, crimson, violet; and diamond, topaz, opal, garnet, turquoise, and sapphire spangled the gloom in celestial space as with the brightness of His glory. Then thought I, What are we, that He who fashions for-