Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/437

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other time, and the piles would be so much inflamed, in two days' time, that I could hardly tell where I suffered the worst.

Since I have learned to trust all to God, I have not had the least trouble with the piles, nor one twinge of the backache. I have an easy action of the bowels each morning. It was five days after I resolved to leave medicine alone, before a natural movement took place; and ever since I have been perfectly regular. It was a great effort for me to take that step, for I knew I was running the risk of throwing myself back into all misery, and perhaps into a worse state than before. By reading Science and Health, I learned that God was able to save the body as well as the soul, and I believed His promises were for me.

Mattie E. Mayfield, Des Moines, Iowa. 

For the Cause of Truth, I submit the following testimonial for publication; may it bring one more, at least, into the fold of divine Science! The truth, as it is stated in “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,” has done much towards making our home the abiding-place of peace and harmony. I now write of the wonderful demonstration of Truth over the birth of my baby boy, two weeks ago. Sunday, September 23, we went for a long drive of three hours; at night I retired at the usual hour; toward morning I was given a little warning; when I awoke at seven o'clock, the birth took place, Not more than ten minutes after, I ate a hearty breakfast, and then had a refreshing sleep; at ten o'clock talked across the room while my bed was dressed; at