Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/458

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Science and Health all day; and it was toward evening when I recognized that material sense had been given predominance, and must be put down. I soon felt drawn to read the book. The little boy had seemed restless and somewhat disturbed all day; but without thinking specially of him, rather to assist in holding my own thought, I began to read aloud, “Consciousness constructs a better body, when it has conquered our fear of matter.” In a minute or two a little hand had touched mine, and I looked down into a sweet face fairly radiant with smiles. I read it over. The child was evidently delighted, and was restful and happy all the rest of the day. — A. H. W., Deland, Florida.

A week ago a friend wrote to me on business, and in the letter stated that his wife had been very ill for six weeks. At once the thought came, “Tell her to read the chapter on Healing, in Science and Health.” In my answer to his letter I obeyed the thought. A few days after, I had occasion to call; found her much better, and reading Science and Health. They had done as directed, and had received the promise. — R., New York.

The first allusion to Christian Science reached me in an article I read on that subject. Later, a friend came to visit me, bringing a copy of “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.” For two weeks I read it eagerly; then I sent for a copy for myself. When it came, I began to study it. The Bible, of which I had had but a dim understanding, began to grow clearer. The light