Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/467

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it, and if I found no good in it, I could then with, some show of reason condemn it.

I had been reading Science and Health about two weeks, when one morning I wanted my cane. It had been misplaced; and while looking for it the thought came to me, If all is Mind, I need no cane. I went out without it, have not used it at all since, and do not need it as a support; but for a time I did miss it from my hand. I had used it for years as a support to a very lame back.

I before went much stooped, because it pained me to straighten up; but from the time I laid my cane aside I straightened up, free from pain. Occasionally I have a slight pain in my back, but it is nothing to compare with what it had been.

In a short time after laying my cane aside, my pipe and tobacco went out into the street and have not returned. I had smoked for sixty-five years, and chewed for fifty. I have no desire for either of them; in fact, the smoke is offensive to me.

Many times before I had tried to quit, but the desire for it was so strong that I would go back to it; and when I tried to “taper off,” I would make the taper end the longest.

Many other physical claims have disappeared, and it is a common thing for acquaintances to say when they meet me, “You look better than I have seen you for years; what have you been doing?” My reply is, I not only look better, but feel better, and am better; and Christian Science has done it.

With all this, I seem to have very little spiritual understanding of the truth; am endeavoring to get more, but