Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/83

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over again materially; and, by the aid of mankind, all was later made which He had made. If the first record is true, what evidence have you — apart from the evidence of that which you admit cannot discern spiritual things — of any other creation? The creative “Us” made all, and Mind was the creator. Man originated not from dust, materially, but from Spirit, spiritually. This work had been done; the true creation was finished, and its spiritual Science is alluded to in the first chapter of Genesis.

Jesus said of error, “That thou doest, do quickly.” By the law of opposites, after the truth of man had been demonstrated, the postulate of error must appear. That this addendum was untrue, is seen when Truth, God, denounced it, and said: “I will greatly multiply thy sorrow.” “In the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.” The opposite error said, “I am true,” and declared, “God doth know . . . that your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,” creators. This was false; and the Lord God never said it. This history of a falsity must be told in the name of Truth, or it would have no seeming. The Science of creation is the universe with man created spiritually. The false sense and error of creation is the sense of man and the universe created materially.

Why does the record make man a creation of the sixth and last day, if he was coexistent with God?

In its genesis, the Science of creation is stated in mathematical order, beginning with the lowest form and ascending the scale of being up to man. But all that really is, always was and forever is; for it existed in and of the Mind that is God, wherein man is foremost.