Page:Miscellaneous Writings.djvu/91

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from the five personal senses. This delusive evidence, Science has dethroned by repeated proofs of its falsity.

We have no more proof of human discord, — sin, sickness, disease, or death, — than we have that the earth's surface is flat, and her motions imaginary. If man's ipse dixit as to the stellar system is correct, this is because Science is true, and the evidence of the senses is false. Then why not submit to the affirmations of Science concerning the greater subject of human weal and woe? Every question between Truth and error, Science must and will decide. Left to the decision of Science, your query concerns a negative which the positive Truth destroys; for God's universe and man are immortal. We must not consider the false side of existence in order to gain the true solution of Life and its great realities.

Have you changed your instructions as to the right way of treating disease?

I have not; and this important fact must be, and already is, apprehended by those who understand my instructions on this question. Christian Science demands both law and gospel, in order to demonstrate healing, and I have taught them both in its demonstration, and with signs following. They are a unit in restoring the equipoise of mind and body, and balancing man's account with his Maker. The sequence proves that strict adherence to one is inadequate to compensate for the absence of the other, since both constitute the divine law of healing.

The Jewish religion demands that “whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed.” But this